December 9, 2014

The Fifth Month

This has been an exciting month of firsts for Maggie: her first blizzard, her first plane ride, her first time being around loads of people, her first time meeting her namesake, her first teeth, and her first solid food. But however crazy the last few weeks have been for her, she has adjusted well and has learned many new things because of it!

At five months Maggie... 
...weighs between 14 and 100 pounds (no doctor visit this month). beginning to creep into her six-month clothes.
...still sleeps from 6pm to 6am with two feeds.
...chats, screams, gurgles, and moans herself to sleep.
...rolls the whole way around.
...constantly reaches for things no matter how far out of reach they are.
...successfully grabs objects with one hand.
...LOVES being in her exersaucer which has helped her balance and gain large muscle control.
...laughs when Daddy throws her.
...enjoys patty-cake and peek-a-boo.
...did very well traveling on the plane!
...officially has her first teeth (yay for #O and #P)!
...spent her first holiday-hybrid in Lancaster (Christgiving) and met all of her cousins and aunts and uncles and great-grandparents and great aunts and great uncles and cousins once-removed... apparently a 'people person.' She was a little overwhelmed when meeting all 11 of her cousins (at one time) but by the end of the week she couldn't get enough attention! still experimenting with this thing that we call rice cereal.

Here are just a few of my favorite photos from our trip:

I've added a new feature! If you want a quick way to scroll through Maggie's other monthly updates, I've added the links at the bottom of each post. OR you can always refer to the 'oh, motherhood' tab at the top of the page. You are welcome!

Up next? Month six.

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