October 25, 2016

The Second Month

Time flies. Month two has disappeared just as fast as month one. Pepper is growing by leaps and bounds and has just begun to smile intentionally. My wise old friend, Abby, once told me that caring for a newborn is extremely difficult because the parents sacrifice so much of themselves and don't receive much in return... until that first smile arrives. One smile is all it takes to remember why I have put myself through this adventure of caring for a brand new person.

Just like the first time around, Andrew and I are dazed and confused and one big weary mess right now. We can easily say, however, that we aren't nearly as exhausted. Maybe its because we are old pros at this parenthood thing now? Or maybe we've had so many guests help us for weeks at a time? Or maybe exhaustion has become just as engrained in our lives as eating and [not] sleeping? Whatever the case, two kids are definitely better than one. Right? Right.

(Just remember that smile.)

At two months Pepper...
...weighs 9 pounds 10 ounces (12th percentile).
...is 21" inches long (3rd percentile).
...is growing out of newborn and into 0-3 month sizes!
...eats every two to five hours. Even at night.
...impresses us with her strong neck muscles.
...has a wandering tongue.
...is still very chill.
...definitely has found her voice and it is oh so LOUD!
...is enthralled with her big sister.
...is beginning to coo and gurgle.
...loves the pacifier. If only she could learn to put it back in her mouth so we wouldn't have to keep doing every ten minutes at night)!
...still resembles Maggie at this age but is slowly looking like her own person.
...loved spending many days with Grandma Judy and Aunt Carly!


Trick or treat!


We finally took Maggie's two-year photos. 

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