July 30, 2012

Confessions of the Euro-fluenced: Days 19-20

Galway, Ireland (pardon, the Republic of Ireland) is in the forefront of, and I believe tops the list for, biggest party cities in Ireland.

So, you can imagine how our time there was.

I'll leave you to your imagination because I can't remember any of it.


[Uh, is she for real?]


Whoa. Just kidding. This IS Melissa talking. This IS the one who prefers her beer warm and is still sipping that first beer two hours later.

That said, I'm sure many of those who we had the honor of pubbing with those nights don't remember a single thing. Kinda sad...

With THAT said, Galway was pretty fun. Once again I will reference a point I have made before...

A walkable city = A fun city.

There is such a difference in our view of a city when we can walk from side to side and experience it all on foot instead of paying for, and having the added stress of, public transportation.

Our time in Galway was pretty short. But thanks to a wonderful hostel with friendly staff and a comfy kitchen and lounge area (also a free espresso machine), it was worth our time. Galway is a city dominated by youths and is one of those places that always has some sort of music or art festival going on. There were an abundance of decent street musicians, pubs with loads of live music and pints of Guiness, pretty streets, enough history to keep Andrew happy, and great eats to keep me happy.

In retrospect, nothing spectacular stands out from Galway except our meal at The Quay Street Kitchen (refer to the two photos below). It was a tiny, hip spot with the menu written on hanging mirrors, a kitchen the size of a phone booth, and huge windows and doors that always seemed to be open to the streets.

I think I'm beginning to very much enjoy the pub scene (which seems more elegant and romantic compared to the American bar scene. But who am I kidding, its still as dirty, gross, dark, and loud as any bar). Even though it may be crowded, sticky, and smelly... everyone is intoxicated happy. We all are tapping our toes to the same beat and, well, there's something very moving and unifying about that.

>Food 1
>Location 1
>Activities .5
>Comfort .5
>Hostel 1

The FLACH? 4 toe-tapping stars.

1 comment:

  1. That huge cheese board full of vegetable mish mash looks wonderful!
